April showers bring May flowers
Выставка предметов, найденных в иле  Темзы.

Среди них потерянная кем-то 500 лет назад вязаная шапка, кинжал эпохи викингов, золотое кольцо с надписью "For love I am given" и прочее.

Дно реки - это капсула времени.

A major exhibition, opening 4 April 2025, that showcases fascinating finds from the Thames foreshore and explores the role of mudlarks in uncovering thousands of years of human history.

The River Thames has been a centre of human activity for over 10,000 years. Below its waters lay lost or discarded items, from the ordinary to extraordinary, that paint a picture of Britain’s past. From prehistoric communities that camped, hunted and farmed along the foreshore, to the arrival of Romans who founded Londinium, and Vikings who travelled by water to expand their territory into Britain.

Here lies evidence of Britain’s early days of exploration and exploitation as London burgeoned into the country’s first port of empire. Each new departure and arrival has left traces behind relating to all aspects of human life. A living time capsule that tells stories of the ways people have survived, made a living, or enjoyed their leisure time in the city.

@темы: история, английский, вода